Wednesday, December 19, 2007

i have been listening to Baba O'riley again and again and again.....

Shit i so badly wanna scribble on these walls...

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Beer Count

I always wanted to do this, Keep a count of the different types of beers I had till date and provide my feed back on them.

I had beer 1-5 with in 10 days of Arriving in the US. It was then when I had that nice drinking session when 3 of us had over 70 bottles of beer in 2 nights. Among the first 5 my favorites are Yuengling and Corona. The proper way to have Corona is with lime, I didn't know that then and had it plain but it still tasted great so I am guessing with lime it will be super. Guinness is one of the finest but unless you have it extra chilled you really wont like it, you will get that strong bitter taste if it isn't chilled. It is very strong though, and it hit me very quickly with one bottle! Millers is cheap beer. Very bitter and OK types, nothing great. Budweiser is good but its normal casual beer again.

As soon as I moved in to my new house I had beer 6-10. It was more of a house warming ceremony with beer. My favourites among them are Bud Lights and Becks. Both of them are damn smooth. Bud Ice is super, its just like water. Very mild and low on bitterness, you will just keep gulping it down till you realize you are high on 2 bottles because of the high rate of gulping. It doesn't feature in my favourites because it doesn't have much of a beer taste, its more like water that makes you high. Millers genuine draft is better than Miller lites but its bitter, for the same amount you could buy a bud lights instead. Coors lights is good!

Beer 11-13 was at New York City. Me and Sriram went to Smiths bar , a sports bar 44th street, 8th Avenue (parallel to times square). All the three were brilliant, after all they are European beer! Blue moon is simply superb.
Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse was a total wild guess. I happened to go to this place called as stuff ya face near Rutgers with a friend where I randomly picked this beer. I had a pitcher of Samuel Adams (seasonal beer) followed by Franziskaner. Both were very smooth. Gulped them down in a jiffy.

The bottle versions of Samuel Adams are OK. They are kinda bitter. So is Guinness draught. Guinness tastes very nice when its super chilled but when it starts getting warm the bitterness becomes prominent. One strange thing in Guinness draught that I noticed is this small ball that is kept inside the bottle. I dono what exactly is it for. I guess it is for flavour but when you drink from the bottle it keeps making a cling cling sound. Feels like you are drinking golli soda..heehee. Guinness hits very quickly.

I have given a brief description of how they taste. Goal is to reach 50 different beers by summer.

1. Budweiser
3. Miller Lite
5. Corona
6. Beck's
7. Bud Lights
10. Coors Light
13. Heineken Lager Beer
14. Amstel Lights
16. Sam Adams (Seasonal beer)
19. Samuel Adams Boston Ale

Click on the links to review the beers on beeradvocate. By the way, is a superb site to know any kind of beer. Yo must check it out.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I am rich

Its been a disgusting week, work-study work-study... During spare time there is always something to do which makes it even more sick. No time to sit and stare, daze at the blank walls and dream. Miss those days, when I spent my time just sitting and staring, totally dazed and confused. Suddenly yesterday it all came back when this amazing message popped up on my thunderbird (shit, thunderbird is damn good. I'm in love with it).

The message went like this,

Ref : UK/776090X2/23
Batch: 013/05/8394369
Draw date:24/10/2007
Winning numbers: 04-16-24-28-45-48 (Bonus 29) ,


Dear winner,

We are pleased to inform you that the result of the winners of the UK NATIONAL LOTTERY ONLINE PROMO PROGRAMME, held on the 24/10/2007.

You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of £691,252.00 (Six hundred And Ninety One Thousand Two Hundred And Fifty Two Pounds Stering) in cash credited to file XYL/26510460037/07.

To file for your claim, please contact our claims agent;

Contact Person: Mr.Owen Green

Provide him with the information below:

1.Full Name:
2.Contact Address:
3.Telephone Number:
7.Marital Status:
9.Country Of Residence:

Congratulations once more from me and members of staff of THE UK NATIONAL LOTTERY.

Yours faithfully,
Carl A.Allison.

For the suspicious souls, I have put a snap shot of my email. If you are too bored, you could check it out for confirmation. ------------------------------->

Too cool. Shit, after all the strain and torture that I have bared in these 22 years I have decided to have a peaceful retirement life. Spend the money pursuing exotic pleasures. The immediate sure shots on my purchases list are:

1. One Lear jet. With all the killer aminities. A whole bar with all kinds of beer. Exotic brands. With hot air hostesses!

2. Killer beach house some where in Rio or the Bahamas. With my own private air strip, state of the art I max movie theater, a room dedicated to beer, champagne, wine, chocolates, ice cream. Don't think the money will be enough to buy my own island, but anyways Rio is good enough.
Me sitting on the beach with a glass of champagne, in shorts and shades.

3. A jaguar, BMW, Porsche in the garage. While not being too bothered about fuel hike and global warming. And insurance as well.

For now these will do. I might have enough cash to buy a normal type bunglaw remaining after I spend for all my stuff. So, may be I'l give it away to "charity" unless some one desperately wants something!

P.S. Damn, beer costs 5.95 for a six pack.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Shit, this exam is eating my head.

Monday, October 22, 2007

ARMS Benefit concert

September 20th, 1983

A Stairway to Heaven instrumental by Jimi Page during the ARMS (Action into Research in Multiple Sclerosis) charity concert at Royal Albert Hall, London.
The first occasion when Jimi Page, Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck the former members of The Yardbirds performed together on stage. The entire concert is simply brilliant.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Chiru's daughter elopes

This was the funniest thing to happen since I came here. Too funny...

Last week Churanjivee's daughter eloped with some guy from some local college in Hyderabad. And it was hot news in my house. Full discussion and all. Super enthu, full scolding and all. Shit it was the funniest thing I had ever seen since I came here. Gult power man.
My room mates went to the extent of scrapping some shit in that guys Orkut profile! Abused him in gult... too funny. They were streaming online gult news every 1 hr and checking for latest latest developments. For those 3 days, my alarm was gult news man..
I died off. There was a big gult congregation at my house. Fellow gults in support of Chiru, abusing shit and asking the guy to fuck off. Hehehe...
Then, they went to flash back, started discussing abt Chiru's family. Their happy days... Shit, I couldn't take it. I just had to get out of the house and laugh my heart out. I would have died other wise..hehehe

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Led Zep re-union

I should have been born in the 50's. Either in NY, SF or London. That was the time. 17 years later, I would have had a chance to attend some of the greatest concerts of all time. Jimi Hendrix, The yardbirds, Janis Joplin, The Who, The Doors, Simon and Garfunkle, Rolling Stones, Floyd,... And the greatest of them all LED ZEPPELIN.

Now most of them are either dead or have broken up. And to make things worse I am next to NY! All I can do now is go to those killer arena's where they performed and just dream, and tell myself "How i wish..." Man, I should have been born in the fifties. Who knows, may be I was and died in a stampede, or died of an od (Hopefully, I died at the golden age of 27...heeeee).

I had decided, If I were to go to NY the first thing I would see would be Madison Square Garden. And thats exactly what I did. I got down at Penn station, NY and I was there. Right behind MSG!! The world famous MSG Man!!! The place where the greatest concert of Led Zeppelin happened in 1975.

The lounge was simply superb. High, spacious and long walled. Walls filled with gigantic black and white photos of Mohammed Ali's fights, Kennedy delivering his speeches, circus shows, NBA matches and rock concerts. The two huge walls were more of a collage, right before the entrance of the arena. For a few minutes I felt I traveled back in time and was part of the black and white world. Standing in the middle watching all the events unfold in front of me. Amazing. Till Sriram from behind just had to say "let us go." I was like, thoo...

Anyways, Now that I am here in this world I'v always been looking forward to a Led Zeppelin re-union concert. And its happening! 26th November 2007 at the London's 02 Arena.

I won't be able to attend it. But it raises my hopes of expecting one at MSG. I just hope... and will keep on my watch list. Something that comes as a consolation to me is that they are coming up with two new releases. The Song Remains The Same on 20th november which includes some previously unreleased tracks (some from MSG) and Mothership - The very best of Led Zeppelin. And ob, the killer video of Stairway to Heaven from the up coming reunion concert that will be all over the net!!!! So, I'l at least have something to look forward to as far as this concert is concerned!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Finally, got that mood to blog!!! A sign of absolute boredom. Put up a new template and a killer Led Zep pic instead of the previous shitty title.
Man, US sucks! It may be the place where everything in the world happens, but you can't do shit here unless you have a car and some cash! Life sucks either ways, with the amount of homework that we are given.
But the best part about US is its killer download speed!! I'v resumed downloading the led zeppelin collection that I used to so carefully download at college at 10kbps (but now at over 700kbps!). So yeah, thats a good sign!!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Monday, May 14, 2007

  • Recognition isn't for us, its for the deprived lot.

NITK for dummies

NITK has a lingo which is unique in its own way. Its stupid, funny and very very attractive. Its a language with out grammer. Just blurt the word and your idea is conveyed, almost always with a giggle. Here is a compilation (There are too many, I'm sure I would have missed out on a few).

  • Swamy
Refers to any one whose name you do not know and desperately want to call. Especially, shopkeepers, bus conductors, mess workers, xerox guys, auto driver...
  • Sweeper
They crawl under beds and tables to remove dead spiders, bits of paper and irritating cobwebs. Generally, have a dressing sense that resembles an Afghan warrior (Atleast ours!)
  • Bullet Proof
Refers to Parota. They are the pride of every mess. The harder they are the more in demand they are by a selected few. I wonder why the recipe isn't patented. Think of Kargil!
  • Shit Dal
Refers to the thick, jelly like substances that goes with roti. Prepared more often in Bombay mess II.
  • Puke Dal
Prepared in each and every mess. This dal is prepared using a formidable recipe. The end product is a liquid with dal settled at the bottom covered with brown water. When mixed with rice, it makes the guy sitting next to you leave his plate and walk away out of disgust!
  • Samaga's Left Ball
It derives its name from the proclaimed similarity to the left testicle of the former DOSA and retired Professor of Civil Engineering Dr. B.R. Samaga. Its characteristics are: brown in colour, has a rocky texture, spongy interior and toxic taste. It is served as a ball in a stainless steel bowl with "droppings" on it. To the unknown, this is the delicious Malai Kofta Curry.
  • "Sidaaaahhh"
An expression (very loud and aggressive) used at times of desperation by the mess manager of the Bombay Mess II. The scream results in a cleared path for the mess swamy to get his pile of plates to the dinning tables.
  • Pilot
Refers to the Watch and Ward officer in the main lobby. Ex. Jawan, IAF.
  • DOSA
An acrony for Dean of Student Affairs. Populor for his amazing "appettite".
  • SAC
An acrony for Student Activity Centre. It signifies the gay pride of NITK. A very busy place during the weekend and Inci. it is the home of the Film's club and the many NITK despo's.
  • Krishna's
By default, this word ends with a question mark. Asking some one on whether he want to come and have a Krishna's samosa, Krishna's coffee, ciggy, lassi or cool drink.
  • Pehelwan
Synonymous to Paradise to the sutta lovers. This place got shifted a few feet away from the road to pave way for the upcoming 4 lane highway. The name was bestowed by our KREC seniors in recognition of the muscular body of its proprieter Sitaram. Ask him for a chuski and you would get an unfriendly stare. Only sutta, chai and cool drinks please!
  • Mustafa
Two persons work here, Akbar and Mustafa. The funny part is, none of us know who is who. So, both are called Mustafa! Renowned for their delicous cane juice priced at Rs. 4 after a sumptious snack at Sundars.
  • Sundar's
Sundar, brother to Sitaram a.k.a Pehelwan is the most eagerly awaited proprieter by the NITK junta. At 5.30 you would find people all over the place shouting, "Sundar, single bread omlet", "Special egg roti"...
  • Kadle
Priced at Rs. 2 a packet, kadle are the prefered munchies while having a bottle of beer or a peg of whiskey at GB.
  • Kadle Pudi
Kadle Pudi is the Kandoo bhel puri. Priced at Rs. 5 a packet, this savory can be eaten by chosing any of the four degrees of spice - kadimi khara (little spice), medium khara (medium spice), jasthi khara (lots of spice), andhra khara (ultimate spice). Dare not try the highest level of khara. He will serve you a packet of kadle pudi, half filled with chilli powder and with a smirk on his face.
  • Reddi's
This shop is less frequented by the boys. Its income is from the girls and the couples. It comes into picture only when one has to book a ticket to Bangalore when Shanbouge runs out of them. And for cell phone recharge cards.
  • Trip C
Trip C is a short form to the the acronym of the Central Computer Center (CCC) !!! It consists of over 200 computers, half of them filled with porn downloaded by the frustrated first years. Trip C also houses the "black listed" server of the Institute and a forgotten super computer PARAM 10000.
  • Thadambail aka Thadam
The only time you would find a student here is beween 5.05 A.M. to 5.45 A.M. Beyond these timings, thadam is a forgotten destination no matter what. Their main customers are quakers, dopers, arbit loafers of NITK and daily wage workers sleeping around.
  • Kalash
The only suppliment to mess food for a budgeted price and no transportion costs. A meal here with out either a plate of mushroom chilly, paneer chilly or liquor of choice is a sin. The first question asked as soon as one enters Kalash is "Are any huts free???". At the end of every meal, you will inevitably end up scolding the waiter for poor service, unless it's Waiter No. 1!
  • GB
For the nerds of both gender, it refers to the toxic Girls Block. For the rest, its the holy Garuda Bar.
  • Quart
Unaffordable under normal circumstances, a quart stands for 180 ml of hard liquor. The only place you would hear it being spoken is at GB. Thats because you wouldn't find a menu card offering so much liquor at one shot.
  • Pint
A very populor word. Signifies a small bottle of beer.
  • Stuff
A tricky word. Its the mother of all intoxicants to a selected few. This thing tends to take its associates for un unforgettable "trip", whether its while fetching it or while flying on it.
  • APD
Acronym for Assistant Physical Director. No matter what, the abbreviation will symbolize the current "Physical Director" Mr. Shivaram for eternity.
  • Con
Short form for Convener. Most sought after position by the final years, I guess because of it similarity to the word "Don" phonetically and in the manner in which they run their respective clubs/committees.
  • RC
Acrconym for Recreation Committee. There shall be no further elaboration on this topic.
  • LL
Aahh... Liquid Lounge. Will always have a nostalgic touch.
  • DT
The darkest, shadiest, most crowded, smokiest (acknowledged by the avid smokers) pub in the vicinity of NITK. Down Town, is home to the rockers of NITK.
  • "Bhen Chod"
Abusive it may sound, this word will never be catogarized so in NITK. "Bhen chod" has a lot of significance on campus. Firstly, Its more like a full Stop for a Northie. Every sentence spoken will inevitabley end with "Bhen Chod". Secondly, you can never keep a count on the number of times its been spoken. Thirdly, if a Northie does not utter it, it signifies that both of you have a very formal relation!
  • DC
Down Co-operative a.k.a Down Cops, usuall refers to Gurudev bakery. Populour for the beloved DC aunty, noodles, juices and other savories. And for shaddy stories such as prostitution rackets being run behind it!
  • Main Lobby
Boring place. Skip.
  • Red Bench
The second populor useless item on campus (first being that funny structure behind main building). Any one sitting on it would be looking at an empty road followed by a reatarded fountain. This seat is reserved for the gay couples of the Institute. I guess due to its dark history its been painted green now, too bad. You can never leave the bench with out an ear full from Pilot.
  • Shit Attack
Coined by the funniest bum of final year, Anil Shenoy. This word shall go down in to history as one of the funniest words contributed by the final year batch of 2007 to NITK lingo. Coined during the morning EnC hours, Shit Attack means a sudden, uncontrollable feeling to excrete in the middle of a class.
  • Workshop
None can walk past the workshop with out a sarcastic smirk on their face while watching the first years sweat their asses off! Known for the daring and dashing Alex and his fantasies. This place has an atmosphere that resembles more of an army barrack than a simple, ordinary workshop. Will be remembered for perfection in terms of holding equipment, measurement and discipline.
  • John D
The biggest irritant of the EnC department. He is a big mystery, right from his physical appearence to the way his brain works. The mysticism surrounding his wig and the countless stories related to it can be compared to those of the sightings of the Yeti in the Himalayas. His flawless ideas such as half attendence, chosing worst 2 out of 3 for internal evaluation, negative marking for fill in the blanks are the most fantastic!
  • MOM
I rather not write about her, a visual sighting is necessary to understand her better. Her laughter is a stunner!
  • Triple Egg Burji
Included it here because it sounds very funny. Sundar Special!
  • NC
NC orginally refered to the dim lit SGP canteen beside the gym. Famous for its lime juice and non stop screening of FTV on its TV this place was shut down in 2004. The baton then passed on to SNP and now the 2nd block thing.
  • Express
Refers to the fast buses to Mangalore and Manipal. The conducters get really pissed off if you buy a ticket for a journey from college to Surathkal town or vice versa. Reason being, "Tires get worn out due to braking!".
  • Normal
Slower buses. Have big windows so more dust enters in.
  • Veera Kannadiga Party
Formed to fight anything said against Karnataka. This party mainly comprises of boring NK's and jobless Bangy's. Their moment of glory was when they showed their support towards their fellow Kandoo who got a flying kick (karate style) on his face by a Pakjum.
  • Pakjum
This word refers to any one who is from the North East or is remotely chink. The name comes from fellow tronix mate and chink from Arunachal Pradesh Pakjum Chiram- College bass guitarist and Football Captain.
  • L
'L' stands for a "Loser". The most stupidest and irritating lingo of NITK. This particular nonsense has to be used by showing an 'L' using the fingers as well. Courtesy: Base gang of fonal years. Mainly used by the tronux junkies and the base gang.
  • Fundae
This particular word is used when he/she does not understand what the other person is talking but wants to show some appreciation to the effort put by the other guy in explaining something totally boring! Or may be not.
  • Skul
Means Surathkal. Used because it makes the place look very cool and intersting.
  • PD
Stands for Punjabi Dhaba.
  • Rinku
The most missed dhaba of NITK. Known for its delicious food, low prices and excellent service. When it existed, it was a mess to many.
  • SD
Samudri Darshini. Dono why its famous apart from the view of the sea.
  • Bittu's
The veg dhaba on NH17. Cheap and renowned for its sweet lassi.

Can't write beyond this. Writing has started to irritate me. Its getting on to me. I would rather sit idle than write all this. You can chumma go through the words below.
  • "Killer Da"
  • "Bamboooo"
  • "Kai"
  • Mountain
  • G Wing
  • H Wing
  • Final Block
  • Treat
  • "Couples Entry Only"
  • "How much for stag?"
  • PC
  • Tronix
  • Trical
  • Psycho
  • MR
  • NITK Salute
  • NITK Tour
  • Super Man
  • Stoned
  • "Chad gaya Yaar!"
  • "Raped!"
  • "Chumma"
  • "Hazar"
  • Party Funda
  • Gobi
  • Nisarga
  • Bico Joy
  • Baba
  • Cup

Sunday, May 13, 2007


And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll

-- Stairway To Heaven, Led Zeppelin

The last smoke blown in KREC

  • The blues is an elixir for the confused.
  • Both, art and music are magical. You need more than the sleigh of hand to create a master piece...
  • The sting of a mosquito feels better when you are akin to Alice!
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